Operation Crimson Palace: Sophos threat hunting unveils multiple clusters of Chinese state-sponsored activity targeting Southeast Asian government

Threat clusters targeted a government agency for cyberespionage in a campaign that had precursors dating back to early 2022. Written by Paul Jaramillo, Morgan Demboski, Mark Parsons JUNE 05, 2024 In May 2023, in a threat hunt across Sophos Managed Detection and Response telemetry, Sophos MDR’s Mark Parsons uncovered a complex, long-running Chinese […]

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Google Confirms 97 Zero-Day Attacks And Points Finger At China For 12

Davey Winder Senior Contributor Veteran cybersecurity and tech analyst, journalist, hacker, author: There were 97 zero-day vulnerabilities seen in the wild in the past year, Google’s Threat Analysis Group and Mandiant have confirmed. When it comes to government-backed exploitation of zero-day vulnerabilities, there is one clear winner, according to Google: […]

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